Carmel Murphy Carmel Murphy

NAIL IN-PERSON NETWORKING: Grow your Confidence and Enjoy Being in the Room

While I’m now universally known as the “Networking Queen”, I wasn’t always able to connect with people and enjoy making new friends. 10 years ago I was terrified of strangers, to the point where I couldn’t meet someone for a coffee, let alone attend an event and now speak in front of hundreds of people.

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Carmel Murphy Carmel Murphy

Posting Selfie Videos:  Lessons from 21 days facing my fear

I am in the business of showing people how they can connect well with others. I love networking in person but the current environment has meant things have dramatically changed. So many more of our interactions have moved online so we are connecting through a screen and/or camera.

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Carmel Murphy Carmel Murphy

How I overcame my fear of the 60-second pitch

I’ve met a lot of people who are petrified of going to regular networking meetings because they hate the idea of having to do a 60 second pitch about their business each week. And I don’t blame them – several years ago I was in the exact same position, if not even worse.

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Carmel Murphy Carmel Murphy

Who is the star of the show?

My most recent fear project of working with video is definitely a tough one to tackle. As long as I can remember, I've hated being on show, having my photo taken, being the centre of attention.

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Carmel Murphy Carmel Murphy

5 things I learned from my first public speaking experience

Public speaking is considered one of the top three most traumatic experiences in a person’s life, alongside death and divorce. Interestingly, only 20% who do it actually even enjoy it. Most managers avoid it at all costs and delegate the role to a direct report. Being someone who is a bit of a sucker for a challenge, I knew I wanted to conquer this demon.

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Carmel Murphy Carmel Murphy

Networking: A Guide to Building a Fire Without it Burning Out

Sitting by a warm cosy fire on a cold winter’s night is one of life’s simple pleasures. The resplendent glow that radiates and the long promise of warmth makes for an inviting night in. The majestic flames bring both fascination and smiles as sparks fly.

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